Solo Pelham Plated Jointed

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Product Description


Product Information

  • Plated steel
  • Multiple rein options for degrees of control
  • Curb chain included
  • Nutcracker action for more control
  • A pelham bit provides the benefits of a double bridle - using snaffle action and curb action - without the need for 2 bits.

A Pelham can be used with a variety of rein options.
1. Two reins can be used so that the rider has both a snaffle and a curb rein.
2. A rein connector can also be used - a connector attaches to the curb ring and the snaffle ring, and the rein attaches to the connector, allowing the use of a single rein.
3. A single rein can be used without connectors, either at the snaffle ring or the curb ring, depending on the desired action and amount of control needed.

A pelham needs to be used with a curb chain to be effective.

The jointed mouth piece gives the rider more control with the nutcracker action.
The nutcracker action is magnified by the leverage of the long shanks.

Delivery Times

Delivery destination Delivery time
Main City Centres 3-5 working days
Regional Areas 3-7 working days
Remote Areas 5-8 working days

Please note that these delivery times above are estimations. Our commitment to precise and secure delivery remains unwavering. We tailor our meticulous processes to your unique order specifications, location, and payment preferences.