Voermol Feed Molasses Syrup Drum

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Product Description


Product Information

VOERMOL VOERMOLAS is a molasses-based liquid feed that supplies energy and minerals to increase palatability and reduce dustiness of feeds.

USES OF VOERMOL VOERMOLAS Voermol Voermolas can be used in the place of normal molasses as follows:

  1. Energy rich raw material. Use as a source of energy in balanced animal feeds at an inclusion rate of between 15 % and 20 %.
  2. Energy supplement. Use as an energy supplement at a rate of 1.5 kg/day for cattle and 250 g/day for sheep.
  3. As a binder in rations. Add 7.5 % to 10 % to rations to increase palatability, reduce dust and act as a binder in pelleted feeds.

Technical Specifications

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Delivery Times

Delivery destination Delivery time
Main City Centres 3-5 working days
Regional Areas 3-7 working days
Remote Areas 5-8 working days

Please note that these delivery times above are estimations. Our commitment to precise and secure delivery remains unwavering. We tailor our meticulous processes to your unique order specifications, location, and payment preferences.