Ultra Pet Premium Small To Medium Adult 3kg

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Product Description

Ultra Dog Premium Recipe dry dog food for Small-Medium Adult dogs is maize-free and has been scientifically developed in conjunction with our in-house experts. It contains 28% protein from high quality poultry meal. This amino acid forms the building blocks for strong muscles and muscle growth and is combined with the correct balance of fats and carbohydrates to ensure that dogs reach their full potential and enjoy healthier, active lives.

Product Information

  • Nutritionally Balanced - A well-balanced blend of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to enable your dog to live a healthy life
  • Great Taste - The best ingredients are used, including fresh meat
  • Muscular Support - High-quality protein blend to assist in maintaining lean muscle mass, and fatty acids for energy
  • Healthy Digestive System - High-quality cereals and fibre to help maintain a healthy digestive system
  • Healthy Skin and Coat - Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids assist in maintaining a shiny coat and healthy skin
  • Healthy Immune System - Vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and E, that may support the immune system
  • Prebiotics - The inclusion of prebiotics in this formula creates an environment for microflora to flourish
  • Strong Bones and Teeth - Calcium and Phosphorus for strong bones and healthy teeth

See also...

Delivery Times

Delivery destination Delivery time
Main City Centres 3-5 working days
Regional Areas 3-7 working days
Remote Areas 5-8 working days

Please note that these delivery times above are estimations. Our commitment to precise and secure delivery remains unwavering. We tailor our meticulous processes to your unique order specifications, location, and payment preferences.